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Creating the iOS App ID

iOS App Publishing - Part 1


An App ID identifies your app in a provisioning profile. It is a two-part string used to identify one or more apps from a single development team. There are two types of App IDs:

  • An explicit App ID, used for a single app.
  • A wildcard App ID, used for a set of apps.


  • Apple Developer Account: Ensure that you have an Apple Developer account. If you don’t have one, you need to sign up on the Apple Developer website.

Steps to Create an App ID

  • Log in to your Apple Developer account.
  • Click on the Identifiers section. Apple Developer account
  • Click on the + button to create a new App ID. Identifier +
  • Select App IDs and click on Continue. App IDs
  • Select a App type and click on Continue. App type
  • Fill in the Description and Bundle ID fields and click on Continue. Description and Bundle ID
  • Review the information and click on Register. Review


In this blog post, we learned how to create an iOS App ID, register a bundle ID. In the next blog post, we’ll learn how to add a new app on AppStore Connect.


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